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 15 U.S. President barack Obama at the White House is the http://www.christianlouboutincheaps . biz speech of the Boston marathon bombings, vowed to the event, the murderer to justice. Obama said in brief remarks, we still don't know who made the e x plosion event, why make this event. Before we have all the facts, people should not jump to conclusions. He stressed, however, we will trace and find out who did it, why do they do it. Any individuals and groups should be responsible for this matter will be felt by the total weight of justice. Obama said he had ordered all the federal government to mobilize resources, to help state and local governments to protect the American people, at the same time b sp;increase the necessary security measures in the United States, and investigate what caused the event. Currently the director of the fbi miller and director of the department of homeland security janet napolitano is to mobilize the appropriate resources to participate in the investigation and response. Obama in his speech, stressed the importance of national unity. He said, he has been with Massachusetts governor deval Patrick and Boston mayor Tom Mr Menino by phone, made clear to them: "all americans with the people of Boston." At the same time, he also to t  the congress party leaders to update the progress of events.   

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